
Hi, I'm Laurence Mercer, a senior-level Drupal developer with sixteen years' site building, module development, and theming experience. Skills Drupal, HTML, CSS, Sass, LESS, PostCSS, responsive design, JavaScript, JavaScript libraries (jQuery, React, etc.), JavaScript frameworks (primarily Next.js), TypeScript, Node.js, package managers (npm, Yarn, etc.), Webpack, Laravel Mix, PHP, Symfony, Twig, MySQL, RDF, SPARQL, Linked Data, APIs (primarily REST/JSON, JSON:API, and GraphQL), mapping solutions (primarily Google Maps, OpenLayers, Mapbox, and Leaflet), and graphics/UI/UX applications (Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma, etc.). Development setup and services Docker, DDEV, virtual machines, LEMP, LAMP, WAMP, MAMP, Git, GitHub, and Jira.


I have a comprehensive knowledge of Drupal—a leading open-source CMS—with particular focus on the frontend and Drupal theming. Experience I've been working with Drupal since version 4.6 (you can find me on drupal.org as laurencemercer) and have built and themed many Drupal-based sites, including michaeljackson.com and jimihendrix.com. My work includes day-to-day use of core, contributed, and custom modules, and I'm fully conversant with the Drupal API, Drush, Composer, and the command line. Clients I provide Drupal services for clients across the world, most often working remotely from London, UK. Previous clients have been located in the UK, Australia, Belgium, and the US.